Archive of 2016 | Hokkaido University - Part 5

Research Press Release | October 18, 2016
Why is skin thick on the soles of the feet?
Event | October 17, 2016
The 8th International Meeting for Global Virus Network, Oct 23-25
Event | October 17, 2016
Gingko Avenue illuminated to create a Golden Tunnel –Hokkaido University KONYOUSAI 2016–
Research Press Release | October 17, 2016
Cold medicine could stop cancer spread
Student Awards | October 17, 2016
Student Awards: Graduate School of Science
Research Press Release | October 17, 2016
All-female hybrid fish species “uses” males for better genetics
Student Awards | October 17, 2016
Student Awards: Graduate School of Health Sciences
Event | October 17, 2016
2016 Autumn Health Care Center Fair
Research Awards | October 11, 2016
Research Awards: Hokkaido University Hospital
University News | October 05, 2016
“Jobs at Hokkaido University” is updated! –10.05.2016