Archive of 2018 | Hokkaido University - Part 14

University News | May 29, 2018
Assistant Professor (Health Sciences) job opening
Research Highlight | May 25, 2018
Spotlight on Research: What can archaeology tell us about the prehistory of the Japanese Islands?
Research Press Release | May 25, 2018
Why do we need one pair of genome?
Research Press Release | May 24, 2018
Giant clams tell the story of past typhoons
University News | May 24, 2018
Five new overseas offices opened
University News | May 16, 2018
Hokkaido University Ranks within Top 100 Universities Worldwide
University News | May 14, 2018
President Toyoharu Nawa attends the 11th Assembly of the Russian Rector’s Union
University News | May 11, 2018
Assistant Professor (Veterinary Surgery) job opening
University News | May 11, 2018
Nitobe Inazo special plant specimen exhibition
University News | May 11, 2018
Japan’s oldest western-style dairy barn is now open for visitors