Archive of 2021 | Hokkaido University - Part 17

Research Press Release | January 22, 2021
New variety of paintbrush lily developed by a novel plant tissue culture technique
Research Highlight | January 21, 2021
Working in the wild to help protect animals and humans from zoonoses
Research Press Release | January 20, 2021
Gold nanoparticles more stable by putting rings on them
University News | January 18, 2021
North meets South: Rebun Island and Kikaijima joint symposium
Research Highlight | January 14, 2021
A mission to conquer tuberculosis and sleeping sickness in developing nations
Research Highlight | January 08, 2021
Spotlight on Research: Optimizing medical services through health economics
Research Highlight | January 07, 2021
Industry-academia collaboration to fight flu and emerging infections