Archive of 2022 | Hokkaido University - Part 19

Research Press Release | February 03, 2022
Tracking SARS-CoV-2 during Tokyo 2020 via wastewater
University News | February 03, 2022
Cancer and immunology international symposium held by female researchers
University News | February 02, 2022
Mustering the frontier spirit instilled in college to take on infinite challenges
University News | January 31, 2022
Interview with the Nobel laureate Dr. Benjamin List
Research Press Release | January 28, 2022
New, highly efficient catalyst for propylene production
University News | January 26, 2022
Sports physical therapy science—the pursuit of safe, efficient exercise
Event | January 25, 2022
Hokkaido University Global Vision 2040 Kick-off Symposium
Research Press Release | January 25, 2022
Amber fossil reveals new clues about ancient cockroach ecology
Research Press Release | January 24, 2022
Clearer distinction needed between GMOs and Genome-Edited Organisms
University News | January 20, 2022
The 24th HU-SNU Joint Symposium held successfully on 4-5 November 2021