Hokkaido University Selected for the FY2014 Re-Inventing Japan Project: Support for the Formation of Collaborative Programs with Russian and Indian Universities

University News | October 07, 2014

Overview Hokkaido University’s application for the inclusion of our East Russia – Japan Expert Education Program (RJE3 program) in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) FY 2014 Re-Inventing Japan Project was approved on October 1, 2014.

The Re-Inventing Japan Project supports international educational initiatives that send Japanese students abroad and welcomes overseas students to Japan whilst guaranteeing the quality of the higher education offered. The aim of the project is to train internationally-minded human resources capable of playing an active role in the global arena, to boost the global expansion of university education, and to strengthen networks with overseas connections. Programs with Russian and Indian universities are eligible for support from FY 2014 to FY 2018 (October 2014- March 2019).

In our program, Hokkaido University collaborates with five key universities in the Russian Far East (Far Eastern Federal University, North-Eastern Federal University, Irkutsk State University, Sakhalin State University and Pacific National University) as well as with local governments and industries. The objective is to train human resources who will spearhead sustainable development in the Far East and the Arctic Circle—regions with a plethora of global issues—and also to establish educational exchange programs with quality assurance that have credit transfer between Japanese and Russian universities.

Click the link below (in Japanese) for details about the projects selected for the FY2014 Re-Inventing Japan Project: Support for the Formation of Collaborative Programs with Russian and Indian Universities. (MEXT website)



Office of International Affairs, Hokkaido University

E-mail: RJE-3@oia.hokudai.ac.jp


