Research Awards: Graduate School of Letters

Research Awards | June 25, 2015

Japan Association on Geographical Space Academic Recognition Award
Recipient: Yuichi HASHIMOTO, Professor, Department of Regional Sciences (Human Geography), Graduate School of Letters
Research Theme / Background:

The award was based on his book, 「東南アジアの経済発展と世界金融危機」 (Southeastern Asian Economic Development and the World Financial Crisis) which was published in March 2014 with a MEXT grant, and is the second in a series that began with his 2005 book,「マレーシアの経済発展とアジア通貨危機」(Economic Development of Malaysia and the Asian Currency Crisis)

 *English translations to Japanese titles provided for readability and are not official

Japanese Link: 橋本雄一教授が2015年度 地理空間学会学術賞 を受賞

July 8, 2015/ 12:20- 12:50 (Graduate School of Letters, entrance hall area [Shokō  no Mori]):  3rd Plus 1 Piece Meeting

Theme: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Geographic Information

Contact: Prof. Hashimoto: you* (replace * with @)