Student Awards: School of Law

Student Awards | July 15, 2014

Japanese Society of International Law: Shigeru Oda Award (Special Award)
Recipient: Kie Abe, School of Law, Senior
Date: July 15, 2014
Research Theme / Background:

International Law

国際司法裁判所の意義と機能に関する一考察 ー『応答的裁判所』としてのICJー

An exploration of the significance and functions of the International Court of Justice: The ICJ as a ‘responsive court’

For further details about the awards ceremony, click here for the Japanese JSIL website and see the report in “What’s New” on the 1st Shigeru Oda Award prizewinners, selection process and awards ceremony.

*English translations to Japanese titles provided for readability and are not official

Japanese Link:

School of Law, Hokkaido University