Award Ceremony for the 2016 SAGE-Hokkaido Award for Best Journal Article in Social Sciences

University News | April 20, 2017

The Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences at Hokkaido University and SAGE Publications, Asia-Pacific Pte Ltd has selected this year’s winner for the 2016 SAGE-Hokkaido Award for Best Journal Article in Social Sciences, and held the award ceremony on March 16th. The award was founded in 2015 to contribute towards fostering academics in the social sciences who can play active roles in today’s globalized society. Each year, the award committee selects one research paper written by graduate students from Hokkaido University which has been published in an international journal.


Misato Inaba, Postdoctoral Researcher, Graduate School of Letters

(PhD candidate, Behavioral Science, Human Sciences, Graduate School of Letters when the paper was accepted)

Winning paper

Title: Robustness of linkage strategy that leads to large-scale cooperation

Authors: Inaba, M., Takahashi, N., & Ohtsuki, H.

Journal: Journal of Theoretical Biology, 409, 97-107.

Review committee

Masaki Yuki, Ph.D. (Director, Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences; Professor, Graduate School of Letters)

Ichiro Ozaki, Ph.D. (Professor, Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences/The Advanced Institute for Law and Politics)

Tetsuko Kasai, Ph.D. (Associate Professor, Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences/Graduate School of Education)

Masanori Takezawa Ph.D. (Associate Professor, Center for Experimental Research in Social Sciences/Graduate School of Letters)

The winner of the award has received a certificate and the equivalent amount of 1,000 US Dollars in Japanese Yen as a prize. In addition, SAGE Publications, Asia-Pacific will hold a “Tea with SAGE” session with the winner at Hokkaido University this year.