Hokkaido University Top-Collaboration Project / Spring School

Event | March 20, 2015

Finished Mar 20 2015

March 20-24

Laura Ferrari   Alessandro Nuvolari  Filippo Callegaro

Dates & Topics:

March 20 (Fri.) 10:30-11:30   Speaker: Laura Ferrari 

How is Sant’Anna : Honors college, Higher Education Programs, Integration of research and education for student of Economics, Law and Political Science, Agricultural Science and Biotechnology, Medical Science, and Industrial and Information Engineering.

March 20 (Fri.) 13:30-15:30  Speaker:  Alessandro Nuvolari  (Part I)

Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Performance,

Lecture 1: Some Historical Perspectives


March 23 (Mon.) 10:00-12:00  Speaker:  Filippo Callegaro (Part I)

An introduction to hyperplane and toric arrangements,

Lecture 1: Introduction to hyperplane arrangements, basic definitions, Orlik-Solomon algebra, homotopy type, minimality, combinatorial models.

March 23 (Fri.) 13:30-15:30  Speaker:  Alessandro Nuvolari  (Part II)

Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Performance

Lecture 2: Some Historical Perspectives

March 24 (Tues.) 10:00-12:00  Speaker:  Filippo Callegaro (Part II)

An introduction to hyperplane and toric arrangements,

Lecture 2: Toric arrangement, minimality, cohomology ring of the complement.


Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science Bldg. #4 (4th FL, Rm4-501)

Hokkaido University (Kita 10, Nishi 8 )


Ms. Laura Ferrari, Associate Prof. Alessandro Nuvolari, &

Professor Filippo Callegaro (Pisa University System)

Official Language


Organizers Dept. of Mathematics, Faculty of Science

Profs. H. Kubo, S. Settepanella, and M. Yoshinaga kubo@math.sci.hokudai.ac.jp