MIT Professor Ishii Returns to Hokudai

Event | August 06, 2018

Finished Aug 06 2018 ~ Aug 07 2018

As a part of events related to Hokkaido’s 150th Anniversary Project, Hokkaido University has invited Professor Hiroshi Ishii, an alumnus of the university and current Associate Director of the Media Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), for three events to be held on campus. Professor Ishii graduated from the university, worked at NTT, and joined the MIT Media Lab in 1995, where he promoted research on tangible user interfaces which allows direct, physical control. This is a rare opportunity to listen to his theories on research and life.

All three events are opened to the public. Admission is free and there is no requirement to book in advance. 

1) Workshop: “The Future Woven by Digital Archives: Remembering the Future with Prof. Hiroshi Ishii, MIT”

Considering the current state and future plans for digital archives at the university, this workshop investigates digital usage and utilization of materials at the University Library, University Museum and University Archives, and approaches towards digitalized materials using new technology.

■ Date and Time

Monday, 6 August 2018, 10:00-11:30

■ Venue
Meeting Rm. #1, Conference Hall, Hokkaido University (Kita 8 Nishi 5, Kita-ku, Sapporo)

■ Speakers

Professor Hiroshi Ishii (MIT Media Lab.)

Associate Professor Katsusuke Shigeta (Hokkaido Univ. Information Initiative Centre)

2) Symposium: “The 2nd GI-CoRE GSQ, GSB, & IGM Joint Symposium: Quantum, Informatics, Biology and Medicine”

In the past, Hokkaido University has held a research symposium in order to create the new interdisciplinary field of “Quantum Medical Biology” using the university’s strength on biomedical engineering, information science and technology, and advanced medical biology, relevant treatment techniques and big data/cybersecurity technology.

This 2nd symposium invites Professor Ishii to introduce his research and share his wisdom. The panel discussion on research theories will feature a discussion among him and affiliates of Stanford University, University of Technology Sydney, and Hokkaido University.

■ Date and Time

Tuesday, 7 August 2018, 8:40-16:30

■ Venue

Akira Suzuki Hall, Hokkaido University (Kita 13 Nishi 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo)

■ Programme 

Opening Remarks: President Toyoharu Nawa (Hokkaido University)
Guest Remarks: Deputy Director-General Masanori Shinano (MEXT, Higher Education Bureau)
Special Lecture: Professor Lei Xing (Standford University)
‘Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Past, Present, and Future’
Special Lecture: Professor Hiroshi Ishii (MIT Media Lab)
‘TRANSFORM: Envisioning the Future’
Special Lecture: Professor Satoshi Maeda (Hokkaido University, Faculty of Science)
‘Drawing, Analyzing, and Using the Route Map of Chemical Reactions’
Panel Discussion
Special Lecture: Professor Tetsuro Hirose (Hokkaido University, Institute for Genetic Medicine)
‘Ancient and Modern RNA Worlds’
Special Lecture: Associate Professor Asuka Nanbo (Hokkaido University, Faculty of Medicine)
‘Visualizing Virus-host Interaction’
Closing Remarks by Professor Hiroki Shirato (Hokkaido University, Faculty of Medicine/GI-CoRE)

■ Panelists 

Professor Yoshikazu Miyanaga (Hokkaido University, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology/GI-CoRE) (Panel Moderator)
Professor Lei Xing (Stanford University)
Professor Hiroshi Ishii (MIT)

Professor Satoshi Maeda (Hokkaido University, Faculty of Science)

Associate Professor Priyadarsi Nanda (University of Technology Sydney)

■ Moderators

Vice President/Executive Masanori Kasahara (Hokkaido University) *for morning session
Lecturer Yasuhito Onodera (Hokkaido University, Faculty of Medicine/GI-CoRE) *for afternoon session

■ Language


Day 2 of this symposium will be sessions separately held by research fields.

3) Special Talk: “Envisioning the Future through Creation, Collaboration and Competition”

Particularly for students and young faculties/staff, Professor Ishii will talk about his experiences to support future career path mapping for young people.

■ Date and Time

Tuesday, 7 August 2018, 15:00-17:00

■ Venue

Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education, Hokkaido University

(Kita 17 Nishi 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo)

■ Speakers

Professor Hiroshi Ishii (MIT Media Lab)

Inquiries (for all events) 

GI-CoRE Office

International Affairs Department 

Hokkaido University