Special Lecture Presentation – David Malone, Rector of the UN University

Event | August 29, 2013

Finished Aug 29 2013

Dr David Malone – Special Lecture Presentation
Date August 29th, 2013
Time 16:30 ~ 17:30 (Registration from 16:00)
Place Humanities and Social Sciences Classroom Building W103
Lecture Title The UN Security Council : Boom or Bust?
Entry Free
Inquiries Division of International Relations, Hitomi Sato 011-706-8025

The UN Security Council is endowed with unique legally binding powers under the UN Charter which no other international institution can approximate.

How has the Councils’s practice evolved since the end of the Cold War?

Malone’s remarks will unfold under three main headings after a brief introduction.

– Salient new features in Council decision making

– New factors driving Council decision making

– New institutional developments in the Councils life (including pressure for reform of the council’s composition)

Opening Remarks given by Ichiro UYEDA, Vice President, Hokkaido University.

Professor David Malone, born in Canada in 1954, has been named the rector of the United Nations University since March 2013.

He has written many books and articles on themes such as Iraq, the UN’s tortured history in Haiti, unilateralism in American foreign policy and the working of the UN Security Council.