Student Awards: Graduate School of Life Science
Student Awards | December 08, 2015
The Society of Polymer Science, Japan: Gel Workshop in Sendai Poster Award | ||
Recipient: | ZHANG Huijie, PhD (2nd yr), Laboratory of Soft & Wet Matter, Transdisciplinary Life Science Course, Division of Life Science, Graduate School of Life Science | |
Date: | September 18, 2015 | |
Research Theme / Background: |
Tough physical double network hydrogels based on amphiphilic tri-block copolymer |
Japanese Link: | 生命科学院博士課程2年 張 慧潔さん ゲルワークショップイン仙台 ポスター賞を受賞 | |
Contact: | gong[at] | |
The Ceramic Society of Japan, Tohoku-Hokkaido Branch: Outstanding Poster Award, the 23rd Hokkaido Division Seminar, 2015 | ||
Recipient: | Ryuji KIYAMA, MA (2nd yr), Laboratory of Soft & Wet Matter, Transdisciplinary Life Science Course, Division of Life Science, Graduate School of Life Science | |
Date: | October 3, 2015 | |
Research Theme / Background: |
TEM observation of in vivo osteoconduction of Hydroxyapatite composite Double Network gel HAp複合化軟骨再生ハイドロゲルのTEMを用いた骨伝導能機構の解明 |
Japanese Link: |
生命科学院修士課程2年木山竜二さん 日本セラミックス協会東北北海道支部 第23回北海道地区セミナー2015 優秀ポスター賞を受賞 |
Contact: | gong[at] | |
The Ceramic Society of Japan, Tohoku-Hokkaido Branch: Outstanding Poster Award for Workshop, 2015 | ||
Recipient: | Kazuki FUKAO, MA (1st yr), Laboratory of Soft & Wet Matter, Transdisciplinary Life Science Course, Division of Life Science, Graduate School of Life Science | |
Date: | October 3, 2015 | |
Research Theme / Background: |
Anisotropic Crystal Growth of Hydroxyapatite in High Tough Hydrogels 高強度ハイドロゲルを足場としたハイドロキシアパタイトの異方的結晶成長 |
Japanese Link: | 生命科学院修士課程1年深尾一城さん 平成27年度日本セラミックス協会 東北北海道支部研究 発表会 優秀発表賞(ポスター)を受賞 | |
Contact: | gong[at] | |
The 5th CSJ Chemistry Festa 2015: Outstanding Poster Award | ||
Recipient: | Kei MITO, MA (1st yr), Laboratory of Soft & Wet Matter, Transdisciplinary Life Science Course, Division of Life Science, Graduate School of Life Science | |
Date: | November 12, 2015 | |
Research Theme / Background: |
Function of multi-cylinder bilayer hydrogels マルチシリンダー構造をもつ 分 膜ゲルの機能発現 |
Japanese Link: | 生命科学院修士課程1年水戸 京さん 第5回CSJ化学フェスタ2015 優秀ポスター発表賞を受賞 | |
Contact: | gong[at] | |
The 5th CSJ Chemistry Festa 2015: Outstanding Poster Award | ||
Recipient: | Kumi OTA , MA (1st yr), Laboratory of Soft & Wet Matter, Transdisciplinary Life Science Course, Division of Life Science, Graduate School of Life Science | |
Date: | November 12, 2015 | |
Research Theme / Background: |
Synthesis of Photonic Hydrogel Possessing Natural Nacre Structure 天然真珠層由来の構造 ゲルの創製 |
Japanese Link: | 生命科学院修士課程1年太田玖美さん 第5回CSJ化学フェスタ2015 優秀ポスター発表賞を受賞 | |
Contact: | gong[at] |