News & Reports
HU Assis. Prof. Maria Stefanie Dwiyanti awards the HUP Appointment Certificate to HUP Dr. Maria DPT Gunawan Puteri on January 15 at the Swiss German University, Indonesia
On January 15th, Dr. Maria DPT Gunawan Puteri’s HU Partner Appointment Ceremony was held together with the Welcome Party for Dr. Maria Stefanie Dwiyanti at the SGU Campus in Alam Sutera, Indonesia. The SGU Rector Office, the Directorate of Academic Research and Community Service (ARCS), and the Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology were all participants in these events.
In March 2018, Swiss German University’s (SGU) Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Hokkaido University’s (HU) Faculty of Agriculture. In addition to the Memorandum, SGU is hosting the Head of the HU Applied Genome Plant Laboratory Assis. Prof. Maria Stefanie Dwiyanti as a visiting lecturer and researcher. In response, HU has appointed SGU’s Head of the Research Center of Food and Health and Food Technology Department Dr. Maria DPT Gunawan Puteri as an HU Partner.
During the ceremonies, SGU Rector Dr. rer. nat. Filiana Santoso, Director of ARCS Dr.-Ing Evita H. Legowo, and Dean LST Dr. Dipl-Ing. Samuel P. Kusumocahyo gave encouraging speeches to support collaborations between SGU-HU, as well as Dr. Puteri’s role as an HU Partner.
As an HU representative, Assis. Prof. Dwiyanti held a brief lecture to introduce HU to the attendees. In addition, in her role as an HU Partner Dr. Puteri lead a discussion on the opportunities and technical steps for further research and academic collaboration between HU and Indonesian universities.