News & Reports
HUP Prof. Michael Angelo B. Promentilla visits HU for the 3rd Asian Concrete Federation Symposium (September 10–11th, 2019)
Hokkaido University Partner Michael Angelo B. Promentilla (Professor of Chemical Engineering, Head of the Waste and Resource Management Unit, Center for Engineering and Sustainable Development Research, De La Salle University, Vice-Chairperson of the Hokkaido University Alumni Association in the Philippines) presented a paper during the session in honor of Prof. Tamon Ueda at the 3rd ACF (Asian Concrete Federation) Symposium.
The title of his presentation is “Future Concrete Structures in a Sustainable Built Environment.” He began his talk by expressing his gratitude to Prof. Tamon Ueda.
Dr. Promentilla then discussed about his on-going projects on geopolymer as an eco-friendly material that utilize waste and can be used for future concrete. With such technology, a low carbon circular economy is possible for the building and construction sectors, which is aligned with the UN’s SDGs. At the end of his presentation, he energetically encouraged the audience to work with him on future projects.
Dr. Promentilla’s project already involves HU alumni from the Philippines and South East Asia. He acts as an excellent example of HUPs’ efforts to connect with HU alumni and develop the university’s international community.