Hokkaido University researchers recognized in 2024 Commendation for Science and Technology awards

University News | May 27, 2024

At the venue of the ceremony for the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. From left to right: Associate Professor Yohei Ishida, formerly of the Faculty of Engineering (transferred to Kyushu University in April 2024); Associate Professor Masatoshi Maeki, Professor Yuki Kimura, Professor Miki Haseyama, Specially Appointed Professor Atsushi Fukuoka, Professor Harunori Nagata, and Specially Appointed Associate Professor Yu Harabuchi.

At the venue of the ceremony for the Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. From left to right: Associate Professor Yohei Ishida, formerly of the Faculty of Engineering (transferred to Kyushu University in April 2024); Associate Professor Masatoshi Maeki, Professor Yuki Kimura, Professor Miki Haseyama, Specially Appointed Professor Atsushi Fukuoka, Professor Harunori Nagata, and Specially Appointed Associate Professor Yu Harabuchi.

Eight researchers from Hokkaido University were awarded the 2024 Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). These awards are awarded annually to honor individuals who have achieved outstanding results in research and development and the promotion of understanding in science and technology in Japan.

The awards, announced on April 9, 2024, were bestowed in a ceremony held on April 17, 2024, at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Tokyo.

Some of the awardees shared their comments upon receiving the prize as follows. 

Category: Awards for Science and Technology

Professor Yuki Kimura, Institute of Low Temperature Science

Professor Yuki Kimura, Institute of Low Temperature Science

Professor Yuki Kimura, Institute of Low Temperature Science

In situ experiments on crystal nucleation.

I would like to thank my collaborators, technical and administrative staff for their constant support. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude. I have been elucidating the processes by which atoms and molecules assemble to form nanoparticles through in situ observation using a variety of techniques. In addition to the original “in-situ” observation experimental apparatus in the laboratory, I am also constructing new microscopy methods and conducting microgravity experiments using rockets, and I am giving shape to my ideas with the cooperation of many people on a daily basis. I would like to continue to enjoy research that opens up new worlds with more and more colleagues.

Laboratory’s website: https://www2.lowtem.hokudai.ac.jp/astro/ykimura/index-e.html

Professor Harunori Nagata, Faculty of Engineering

Professor Harunori Nagata, Faculty of Engineering

Professor Harunori Nagata, Faculty of Engineering

Practical applications of hybrid rocket technology.

The subject of the award is a research theme that we have been working on consistently since our laboratory (Laboratory of Space Systems) was established in 1996. In 2004, we started research and development in collaboration with the Akabira City-based Uematsu Electric Co. Ltd. Our results are now being implemented in society by two startup companies, Mjolnir SpaceWorks Ltd. and Letara Ltd. This award is in recognition of the collective achievements of all those who have worked on this research, including past graduates and Uematsu Electric Co. Ltd., and we have received much support. We would like to thank them from the bottom of our hearts.

Laboratory’s website: https://mech-hm.eng.hokudai.ac.jp/~spacesystem/index_e.html

Professor Miki Haseyama, Vice President, Faculty of Information Science and Technology

Professor Miki Haseyama, Vice President, Faculty of Information Science and Technology

Professor Miki Haseyama, Vice President, Faculty of Information Science and Technology

Heterogeneous media fusion theory and its applications.

We have developed a basic theory of multimodal analysis that enables the coordinated and adaptive use of several different types of signals. Furthermore, we have extended the application to a wide range of data from different fields, such as medical data and social infrastructure data, and developed it into a real-world application. The theory developed in this research is expected to be utilized as a basis for cutting-edge technologies such as rapidly evolving generative AI. I would like to once again express my sincere gratitude to all my collaborators for their support, to all those who have cooperated across the boundaries of industry, government and academia in the practical application of the technology, and to all those who have been involved in this research. Encouraged by this, I will work even harder to contribute to the development of the field of information science, which is my specialty.

Laboratory’s website: https://www-lmd.ist.hokudai.ac.jp/en/

Specially Appointed Professor Atsushi Fukuoka, Professor Emeritus, Institute for Catalysis

Specially Appointed Professor Atsushi Fukuoka, Professor Emeritus, Institute for Catalysis

Specially Appointed Professor Atsushi Fukuoka, Professor Emeritus, Institute for Catalysis

Depolymerization of cellulosic biomass by heterogeneous solid catalysts

The research for which I was awarded was aimed at the catalytic degradation of cellulose and chitin, which are renewable biomass, to produce fuels and chemicals. This research started from scratch, but fortunately I was able to pioneer this field by discovering the world’s first depolymerization of cellulose by solid catalysts. The oligosaccharides obtained by the depolymerization were also put to practical use as biostimulants (e.g., substances that increase the activity of plants and soil). We are grateful to our students and collaborators for their support, which has enabled us to realize everything from basic research to application development in this way. We intend to continue our research on catalysis for low carbonization in the future.

Laboratory’s website: https://www.cat.hokudai.ac.jp/fukuoka/index-e.html

Category: The Young Scientists’ Award

Specially Appointed Associate Professor Yu Harabuchi, Institute for Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery (WPI-ICReDD)

Specially Appointed Associate Professor Yu Harabuchi, Institute for Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery (WPI-ICReDD)

Specially Appointed Associate Professor Yu Harabuchi, Institute for Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery (WPI-ICReDD)

Construction of quantum chemical calculation techniques to understand the optical functions of molecules.

The research that was the subject of this award is research that I have continued to work on since I was a student at the Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Professor Tetsuya Taketsugu, Professor Satoshi Maeda and many other professors who have guided me since my student days, to my collaborators in Japan and abroad, and to everyone who has supported my research through projects. Encouraged by this award, I will continue to explore the possibilities of quantum chemistry and strive to contribute to society through the development of basic science and the development of materials and reactions.

Laboratory’s website: https://wwwchem.sci.hokudai.ac.jp/~theochem/index.html

Associate Professor Masatoshi Maeki, Faculty of Engineering 

Associate Professor Masatoshi Maeki, Faculty of Engineering

Associate Professor Masatoshi Maeki, Faculty of Engineering 

Development of functionalized microdevices and their application in drug discovery

The work for which I received this award has been my research theme since my student days, but I was able to develop it dramatically when I moved to Hokkaido University after receiving my degree. This is thanks to the support of Professor Manabu Tokeshi, the laboratory staff, students and experimental assistants, the professors who guided us in our joint research, and the Hokkaido University personnel who have provided us with an excellent research environment. I would like to express my deepest gratitude for their support. Encouraged by this award, I would like to push even harder for contributions to science, human resource development and social implementation of research results.

Laboratory’s website: https://microfluidic.chips.jp/en/

Professor Keisuke Takahashi, Faculty of Science

Creation of the field of catalytic informatics and the development of catalysts for methane oxidation.

Laboratory’s website: https://takahashigroup.github.io

Category: Outstanding Support for Research Award

Technical Specialist Norifumi Abo, Central Institute of Isotope Science

Technical Specialist Norifumi Abo, Central Institute of Isotope Science

Technical Specialist Norifumi Abo, Central Institute of Isotope Science

Comprehensive contributions to promoting the use of Radio Isotopes (RI) and fostering safety awareness.

The achievements for which I have received the award are comprehensive contributions to Radio Isotopes (RI) research, education and management, including contributions to RI compound research through the development of an RI storage and management system, the development of RI teaching materials using CG synthesis to enhance distance learning in during the coronavirus pandemic, and the establishment of a management method for radiation measuring instruments in accordance with the revision of the RI Law. These are comprehensive contributions to research, education, and management of RI. The award was made possible thanks to the support of many people, including the R&T Project of Hokkaido University and I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to those who encouraged me to receive the award. RI is used in all fields: medicine, science, engineering, pharmacy, etc., and we enjoy tremendous benefits from it. On the other hand, radiation is invisible, and each nuclide has its own characteristics, so handling them is tricky. I would like to continue to be a person who can help people understand this complex balance.

Original announcement (in Japanese): https://www.mext.go.jp/b_menu/houdou/mext_01364.html

Original comments in Japanese:
