Nitobe College Foundation Program Applications for Graduate Students Spring AY 2023

Event | March 22, 2023

Finished Mar 22 2023 ~ Apr 10 2023

Nitobe College will be accepting applications for admissions to its Foundation Program for Graduate Students.

Please refer to the Guidelines for Application of this website for application details.

Students who intend to apply must attend the information session for prospective students held on Tuesday, April 4 or Wednesday, April 5 and refer to the website for application procedure and detail of the program before submitting their applications.

Prospective students are strongly advised to check the updated information on this website occasionally since Guidelines for Application and information session for prospective students etc. are subject to change for measure to prevent Novel Coronavirus disease transmission.


Hokkaido University’s students (master’s or professional degree programs)

Application period:

March 22 (Wed) – April 10 (Mon), 2023


Nitobe College Section, Nitobe College Office
Window No. 6, first floor, Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education, Hokkaido University
Email: nitobe-school-office[at]

Tel: 011-706-5596