Rapidus and Hokkaido University sign comprehensive collaboration agreement

University News | June 06, 2024

Rapidus and Hokkaido University sign comprehensive collaboration agreement aiming to enhance scientific and technological capabilities and develop human resources through the semiconductor industry.

June 5, 2024 — Rapidus Corporation (Head Office: 4-1 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Atsuyoshi Koike) and Hokkaido University (Kita 8, Nishi 5, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido; President: Kiyohiro Houkin) announced today that they have signed a comprehensive collaboration agreement on education and research. The purpose of this agreement is to contribute to the enhancement of Japan’s scientific and technological capabilities and the development of human resources through the semiconductor industry.

At the signing ceremony for the Comprehensive Collaborative Agreement held on June 5, 2024, at Hokkaido University. Kiyohiro Houkin, President, Hokkaido University (left), and Atsuyoshi Koike, President and CEO, Rapidus Corporation (right).

At the signing ceremony for the Comprehensive Collaborative Agreement held on June 5, 2024, at Hokkaido University. Kiyohiro Houkin, President, Hokkaido University (left), and Atsuyoshi Koike, President and CEO, Rapidus Corporation (right).

As Hokkaido is rapidly moving toward the promotion of the semiconductor industry, human resource development and research and development are currently being considered as challenges. In light of Rapidus’ plans to start pilot line operation in April 2025 and mass production in 2027, the two parties have decided to commit to a comprehensive collaboration agreement for the purpose of promoting long-term cooperation in the development of high-level human resources and advanced semiconductor research.

The complete press release is available as a PDF here.

Media contacts (Rapidus Corporation):

Kreab K.K.

Kunihiko Yasue, E-mail: kyasue@kreab.com

Takano Okumoto, E-mail: tokumoto@kreab.com

Miki Yagi, E-mail: myagi@kreab.com

Media contact (Hokkaido University):

Atsushi Ueda, Office for Promotion of Semiconductor Hub Formation,

Planning Division, General Affairs and Planning Department

Email: semicon-jimu@general.hokudai.ac.jp