Health Care Center

The Health Care Center, is located in the center of campus (see location on a map here) is your on-campus resource to meet your primary health care needs. The staff includes physicians, nurses, counselors and administrative staff members.  Hokkaido University’s Health Care Center provides medical checkups, health consultation and primary care for non-life threatening conditions such as lacerations, burns, common colds, stomach ache or flu to students and staff. If you have any concerns about your health, feel free to contact the Health Care Center. Below is the list of services available.

Category Days Office Hours and Reservation
Internal Medicine Mon-Fri 13.00 – 15.00, TEL: 011-706-5484
Psychiatric Consultation Mon-Fri 13.00 – 15.30, TEL: 011-706-5418
Dentistry Mon-Fri

Please make an appointment via their homepage.


Note: The online registration reservation is available only from computers on the campus network.

Location: Graduate School of Dental Medicine 1F

Mental Health Counseling Mon-Fri Please take a psychiatric consultation first.
Women’s Health Consultation
A phone reservation is required. TEL: 011-706-5484
Nutrition Consultation
A phone reservation is required. TEL: 011-706-5484

Updated on   October 26, 2022