Procedures for Moving Out
What you need to do:
- Notify your local Post Office. All your mail can be forwarded to your new address for a period of one year after you fill out a simple notification form at the post office.
- Notify your local Municipal/Ward Office. When you change your address, you need to visit your municipal/ward office within 14 days of your moving day to register your new address. Also, please be sure to register your change of address on your National Health Insurance Card (also done at the Ward Office) so it can be reissued.
- Notify Hokkaido University. Please advise the Academic Affairs Section of your faculty/graduate school of your new address. If you obtained your accommodation via our Guarantor System, you must submit the “Notification of Moving-out” form to the Division of International Services on the first floor of the Institute for International Collaboration.
Renting Privately?
You must give your landlord/management company one or two months advance notice. Be aware that anything less than this may result in additional rent. You are responsible for leaving the apartment in the same condition to when you moved in. In the event you are found to be responsible for any damages found, you will be asked to pay for repair fees upon vacating. Additionally, depending on your contract, you may also be required to pay a cleaning fee.
Gas, Electricity and Water
Before vacating your apartment, you must cancel the gas, electricity and water supply contracts you hold. In certain cases, your landlord/management company may complete these procedures on your behalf. Please check with them.
Leaving Hokkaido University for another university? You are required to submit a “Notification of the Accepting Organization” form. You can submit this notification at the Immigration Bureau or send it by post to the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau. You can also download the form on the website of the Ministry of Justice. |