Campus AEDs

AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) are highly accurate, user-friendly computerized devices with voice and audio prompts that guide users through the steps of operation. They can recognize an abnormal heart rhythm that can be treated with defibrillation, and initiate the shock, or will advise the user to initiate cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) should no rhythm be detected.

With over 50 AEDs located across Sapporo Campus, Hokkaido University has invested heavily in the safety of our staff and students. We also hold training sessions for international students on how to use the devices. For more information, please speak to the Division of International Services at the Institute for International Collaboration.

Please use our interactive campus map to find all of the locations of the AEDs. Once on this page, click “AED” in the right hand menu for the appropriate icons to appear.

Updated on   March 18, 2020