Preventing Harassment
Hokkaido University has set up guidelines to provide ways of dealing with harassment for administrators, faculty, staff, students, and other individuals engaged in any activity or program at Hokkaido University. These guidelines cover the definition of harassment, the preventive measures to be taken, and the procedures for responding to and resolving reports of harassment.
Harassment ruins a person’s dignity and is a serious violation of human rights. It is strictly forbidden at the university. The university determines to make every effort to provide necessary remedies for those who suffer the ill-effects of harassment, and to take strict action against those who harass members of the university. Harassers must reflect deeply on their wrong conduct and may face disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment or student status.
The university is committed to taking responsibility for preventing and responding to the occurrence of harassment in order to maintain a safe environment in education, research, and work. It is the responsibility of every administrator, faculty member, staff member, and student of the university to contribute to preventing harassment at the university.
If you believe you have been subjected to any kind of harassment, please talk to a Harassment Prevention Advisor.