GiFT 2012 was the flagship event in the annual Hokkaido University Sustainability Weeks. Four young researchers from within Hokkaido University working on the front lines to find ways to create “A Future Society Offering Peace of Mind for All,” which was the theme of the 2012 Sustainability Weeks, gathered at the then two-year old GiFT.
On October 6th, 2012, the four presented about their cutting-edge research to a world audience of a hundred via YouTube Live at the brand-new communication space, “Media Court,” in the university library. The number of YouTube views reached 1,068 by the 30th of November, 2012.
Do you want to know more about GiFT? Go to “What is GiFT?”
Archived videos
Takeo Hondoh
“Opening Remarks at GiFT 2012”
Executive and Vice President
Tomohito Yamada
“Along with Water”
Affiliation: Faculty of Engineering
Research Area: Natural Science/Technology/Health Science
Hidetaka Akita
“Have Drug, Will Travel: Using Nano Technology in Human Health Care”
Affiliation: Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research Area: Natural Science/Health Science
Yuka Kanno
“Queer Culture in Japan”
Affiliation: Graduate School of Letters
Research Area: Social Science
Gakushi Ishimura
“There is nothing we can do for March 11.”
Affiliation:Center for Sustainability Science (CENSUS)
Research Area:Natural Science/Social Science
* This page was made using information available on: 6 Oct 2012. *