
As an academic powerhouse on water purification, Hokkaido University focused on the challenge of water pollution in the first half of GiFT 2013. The second half covered unique social issues in Japan in anticipation of the establishment of the Modern Japanese Study Program for undergraduate international students in 2014.

On October 26th, 2013, six young researchers of Hokkaido University presented the fruits of their studies and encouraged high school and college students to join them in their efforts to realize a better future. An audience of over a hundred gathered at a lecture hall on campus as well as on the internet. People from all over the world, including from Japan, the Philippines and the USA utilized the forum online. The moderator of GiFT 2013 picked up some challenging questions sent via Twitter, and the presenters enjoyed answering them during the live webcast. The video archive received 989 views in a month.

Do you want to know more about GiFT? Go to “What is GiFT?”

Archived videos

Session 1: Water Management

Ichiro Uyeda

“Opening remarks”

Vice-President of Hokkaido University
Chairperson of the SW 2013 Committee

Katsuki Kimura

“Wise Water Use in Future Cities: Membrane Technology will Save the World”

Ph.D in Engineering
Research Area: Environmental Engineering, Water Treatment Engineering, Water Treatment by Membrane Technology
Affiliation: Faculty of Engineering

Helena Fortunato

“Living in an Ocean of Vinegar”

Ph.D in Science
Research Area: Ecological Science, Biodiversity, Evolution and Conservation of Macro-benthic Shallow Water
Affiliation: Faculty of Science

Junjiro Negishi

“Reading Rivers for the Future”

Ph.D in Geography
Research Area: Ecology and Civil Engineering, Watershed Conservation & Management
Affiliation: Faculty of Environmental Earth Science

Session 2: Modern Japanese Studies

Ichiro Uyeda


Vice-President of Hokkaido University
Chairperson of the SW 2013 Committee

Emma Cook

“Creating Unsustainable Lives: Effects of Gender Norms on Male Freeters”

Ph.D in Anthropology
Research Area: Cultural Anthropology, Japanese Freeters
Affiliation: International Student Center

Philip Seaton

“TV Dramas & Tourism, Japanese Historical Sites as Sustainable Tourist Resources”

Ph.D in Media and Cultural Studies
Research Area: Japanese History and Media
Affiliation: International Student Center

Susanne Klien

“Relocating to the Countryside in Contemporary Japan: The Quest for Purpose in Life (ikigai)”

Ph.D in International Relations
Research Area: Tourism, Studies of Happiness
Affiliation: International Student Center

Click here for a flyer (PDF)

* This page was made using information available on: 26 Oct 2013. *

Updated on   July 06, 2017