Archive of 2023 | Hokkaido University - Part 8

Research Press Release | August 30, 2023
Surpassing the human eye: machine learning image analysis rapidly determines chemical mixture composition
Research Highlight | August 25, 2023
Shining light on the future of chronic myeloid leukemia patients
University News | August 25, 2023
Hokkaido University’s Masaaki Kitajima wins a 6th Japan Medical Research and Development Award
Research Highlight | August 22, 2023
“Dosanko” horses regenerate forests by eating bamboo grass
University News | August 21, 2023
HSI Report: Animal-Induced Iyashi and Wellbeing in Tourism, Recreation and Hospitality
Research Press Release | August 21, 2023
Estrogen-negative cancers respond to anti-estrogenic therapies
Research Press Release | August 10, 2023
Nematodes joy ride across electric voltages
Research Highlight | August 04, 2023
Big Data analysis to understand atmosphere-ocean interactions
Research Highlight | August 04, 2023
Usujiri Fisheries Station offers diverse field experiences
Research Press Release | August 02, 2023
Multicyclic molecular wheels with polymer potential