Archive of 2023 | Hokkaido University - Part 7

Research Press Release | September 11, 2023
New insights into neutrino interactions
Event | September 08, 2023
Nitobe College Foundation Program Applications for Graduate Students Fall AY 2023【Nitobe College】
University News | September 08, 2023
Letters from HUAP: Jong-Sup Park
Event | September 07, 2023
Global funding opportunity database ”Pivot-RP” Online workshop
University News | September 01, 2023
Using the power of painting to bring people closer to nature
Research Highlight | September 01, 2023
Modeling ocean to understand natural phenomena
University News | August 31, 2023
Hokkaido Marathon 2023 went through Hokkaido University
Event | August 30, 2023
AY2023 Fall OGGs Program Student Orientation
Research Highlight | August 30, 2023
Spotlight on Research: The road to understanding the human brain goes through flies
President's Column | August 30, 2023
President’s Column #3 – Education and Research as soft power