Research Press Release

Research Press Release | September 24, 2013
Large Scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Nucleation Process in Supersaturated Vapor -The first direct comparison between laboratory experiments and molecular dynamics simulations-
Research Press Release | September 17, 2013
The first ever successful water oxidation with a near-infrared light irradiation
Research Press Release | September 13, 2013
Complete genome sequencing of the gammaproteobacterial endosymbiont of the scaly-foot gastropod (aka “kurosuke”), an armored snail that lives in deep-sea vents
Research Press Release | September 04, 2013
Climate warming shortens flowering period: Only two flowering genes predict flowering times with high accuracy
Research Press Release | August 27, 2013
Elucidation of the mechanism by which the hepatitis C virus evades the immune system
Research Press Release | August 26, 2013
Demonstration of an anti-obesity effect of recruited brown adipose tissue in humans
Research Press Release | August 08, 2013
Research on human induced germ cells: A scrutiny of the ethical and legal issues and regulatory frameworks
Research Press Release | August 08, 2013
Understanding how a molecule functions by taking its pulse
Research Press Release | June 21, 2013
Common kitchen item erases wall’s barrier to sound
Research Press Release | May 20, 2013
Research originating from the laboratory of Obuse and Nagao makes the cover of journal ‘Nature Structural & Molecular Biology’