Hokkaido University ranked 22nd in the world (and 1st in Japan for the fourth consecutive year) in “THE Impact Rankings 2023”

University News | June 02, 2023

Hokkaido University is rannked 22nd Globally in THE Impact Rankinngs.

Times Higher Education, a UK-based higher education magazine, released THE Impact Rankings 2023 on June 1st, 2023. Hokkaido University is ranked 22nd in the world—and 1st in Japan, for the fourth consecutive year—out of the 1,591 universities that targeted the overall ranking. The THE Impact Rankings assess universities’ contributions to achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Participating universities are evaluated based on submitted data and metrics from external sources.

Out of the 17 SDG targets, Hokkaido University is ranked within the global top 100 in the following categories: SDG 2: Zero Hunger (68th), SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation (95th), SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (45th), SDG 14: Life Below Water (27th), SDG 15: Life on Land (17th), SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals (53rd).

Aerial view of Sapporo Campus, Hokkaido University

Hokkaido University was founded in 1876 as Sapporo Agricultural College, the first modern university in Japan. It has promoted field research in agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and related fields against the backdrop of Hokkaido’s rich natural environment. The University has developed and adopted its own sustainability strategies, including the Campus Master Plan (1996), the Hokkaido University Initiative for Sustainable Development (2005), and Sustainability Weeks (2007 to 2016). More recently, the Institute for the Advancement of Sustainability, established in 2021, is responsible for the realization of a green and sustainable campus and the promotion of SDG activities within the University and beyond. The University is also implementing an international sustainability strategy for 2040, aiming to become “a university that contributes to solving global issues.”

For details of Hokkaido University’s “THE Impact Rankings 2023,” please click here.

Related links:

Hokkaido University SDGs website
